There is no course fee for Ontario students to take eLearning courses offered by Member Boards of the OeLC. Those students, however, defined as ‘Other Pupils‘ by the Ontario Ministry of Education and, as such, are fee-paying students who are not exempt from tuition costs (e.g., International Students), are subject to the rates set by the OeLC Board hosting the course into which they are accepted.
To register for an eLearning course offered by a Member Board of the OeLC, students must:
Acceptances are done throughout the previous and current school year. Most Boards stop accepting students into courses on the third Friday of the semester in which those courses are being hosted (except in special circumstances and with administrator approval). Acceptance emails are sent to the student, the student’s Guidance Counsellor and, if contained in the database, parent email(s).
While nearly all courses follow the same semester and term schedule of the OeLC Board hosting the course, there may be some courses that allow for varied entry dates.
No… Your entire course is taken online. However, some Boards and courses require that you participate in a final evaluation (e.g., an exam) at a set time and under the supervision of a proctor. You will be informed of this process either when you are accepted or at the start of the course.
As with a regular face-to-face courses, you are expected to attend (log in) daily, actively participate in course activities and discussions, keep up with course work, and follow task deadlines.
Planned absences must be discussed beforehand with the teacher. In instances of unforeseen absences, such as illness, contact must be made with the teacher as early as possible. Early communication in all instances of absence is essential that you may both collaborate on an appropriate plan of action.
This is very unlikely since, similar to regular face-to-face classes, much of the eLearning experience involves interaction and collaboration with classmates in the online environment. With that said, students may discuss with their teachers opportunities to work ahead to, for instance, accommodate planned absences.
You will need consistent access to desktop, laptop, or tablet computer and consistently reliable Internet access with moderate to ample bandwidth (particularly important for courses that rely heavily on multi-media learning objects such as audio, video, simulations/manipulatives/interactives, etc.). It may also be beneficial to have access to a printer, scanner (often a camera is fine), and headphones… In some courses, you may also benefit from having a webcam and mic but your teacher will inform you of this.
Boards typically send out course information and log in credentials during the later part of the week prior to the start of the semester (as registrations are still occurring at that time). Should you have any questions or concerns, please contact the appropriate staff member at the Board that is hosting your course: Regular Year eLearning Board Contacts
Similar to other Summer School programs offered by publicly-funded Ontario School Boards, there is no course fee for Ontario students to take Summer School eLearning courses offered by Member Boards of the OeLC. Those students, however, defined as ‘Other Pupils‘ by the Ontario Ministry of Education and, as such, are fee-paying students who are not exempt from tuition costs (e.g., International Students), are subject to the rates set by the OeLC Board hosting the course into which they are accepted.
To register for an eLearning course offered by a Member Board of the OeLC, students must:
Acceptances are done on the second Friday of May, then again from the fourth Friday in May and until the start of Summer School. Acceptance emails are sent to the student, the student’s Guidance Counsellor and, if contained in the database, parent email(s).
Courses typically run during one of two sessions – July and August. Precise dates are provided in acceptance emails that are sent to you and your Guidance Counsellor and, if contained in the database, parent email(s).
No… Your entire course is taken online. However, some Boards and courses require that you participate in a final evaluation (e.g., an exam) at a set time and under the supervision of a proctor. You will be informed of this process either when you are accepted or at the start of the course.
Again, given that the entire course is being compressed into four weeks, it is extremely unlikely that alterations can be made. Also, missing one day of Summer School eLearning is equivalent to missing 5 days during the regular school year. Absence can be extremely problematic… With this said, it is understood that sometimes unforeseen and uncontrollable circumstances, such as illness, arise… In such instances, it is essential to communicate with your teacher and, where possible, collaborate on an appropriate plan of action.
Again, given that the entire course is being compressed into four weeks, it is extremely unlikely that alterations can be made. Also, missing one day of Summer School eLearning is equivalent to missing 5 days during the regular school year. Absence can be extremely problematic… With this said, it is understood that sometimes unforeseen and uncontrollable circumstances, such as illness, arise… In such instances, it is essential to communicate with your teacher and, where possible, collaborate on an appropriate plan of action.
You will need consistent access to desktop, laptop, or tablet computer and consistently reliable Internet access with moderate to ample bandwidth (particularly important for courses that rely heavily on multi-media learning objects such as audio, video, simulations/manipulatives/interactives, etc.). It may also be beneficial to have access to a printer, scanner (often a camera is fine), and headphones… In some courses, you may also benefit from having a webcam and mic but your teacher will inform you of this.
Boards typically send out course information and log in credentials during the final week of June (as registrations are still occurring at that time). Should you have any questions or concerns, please contact the appropriate staff member at the Board that is hosting your course: Summer School eLearning Board Contacts